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Version: Python

Glide SDK

The Glide SDK is available for many programming languages and provides the entry point for interacting with the Glide APIs.


Before you can use the SDK, you need to have a Glide account and an API key. You can get your API key from the Glide Dashboard. you can refer to the Registration guide.

Installation instructions for the SDK are available in the Getting Started guide.

Glide Client

The Glide Client is the instance of the SDK that you will use to interact with the Glide APIs. It is initialized with your API key and provides access to the Glide APIs.

You can initialize the Glide Client programmatically by providing your settings to the SDK or you can use environment variables to set your API key. If both are provided, the SDK will use the settings provided programmatically over the environment variables.

GlideClient Reference


The GlideClient constructor takes an object with the following properties:

PropertyTypeEnvironment VariableDescription
clientIdstringGLIDE_CLIENT_IDYour Glide API Client ID
clientSecretstringGLIDE_CLIENT_SECRETYour Glide API Client Secret
redirectUristringGLIDE_REDIRECT_URIYour Glide API Redirect URI
internal.authBaseUrlstringGLIDE_AUTH_BASE_URLThe Glide Internal Auth Base URL
internal.apiBaseUrlstringGLIDE_API_BASE_URLThe Glide Internal API Base URL


from glide import GlideClient

def main():
glide = GlideClient(

# Use the glide client to interact with the Glide APIs

if __name__ == "__main__":


The GlideClient instance has the following properties:

1. simSwap

The simSwap property provides access to the SimSwapClient for interacting with the Sim Swap API.

2. numberVerify

The numberVerify property provides access to the NumberVerifyClient for interacting with the Number Verify API.

3. magicAuth

The magicAuth property provides access to the MagicAuthClient for interacting with the Magical Auth API.