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Version: Node.js

Glide SDK Client

The Glide SDK Client is your gateway to integrating powerful security features into your applications. Available for multiple programming languages, it provides a streamlined interface to interact with Glide's suite of APIs.


Before diving in, ensure you have:

  1. A Glide account (If not, check our Registration guide)
  2. Your API credentials (available in the Glide Dashboard)
  3. Installed the Glide SDK (See Getting Started)

Initializing the Glide Client

The Glide Client is the core object you'll use to access all Glide APIs. You can initialize it in two ways:

  1. Programmatically with your API credentials
  2. Using environment variables (recommended for enhanced security)

If both methods are used, programmatic settings take precedence.

GlideClient Configuration

PropertyTypeEnvironment VariableDescription
clientIdstringGLIDE_CLIENT_IDYour Glide API Client ID
clientSecretstringGLIDE_CLIENT_SECRETYour Glide API Client Secret
redirectUristringGLIDE_REDIRECT_URIYour Glide API Redirect URI
internal.authBaseUrlstringGLIDE_AUTH_BASE_URLThe Glide Internal Auth Base URL
internal.apiBaseUrlstringGLIDE_API_BASE_URLThe Glide Internal API Base URL

Initialization Examples

import { GlideClient } from "glide-sdk";

async function main() {
const glide = new GlideClient({
clientId: "<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>",
clientSecret: "<YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET>",

// Use the glide client to interact with the Glide APIs



The GlideClient instance has the following properties:

1. simSwap

The simSwap property provides access to the SimSwapClient for interacting with the Sim Swap API.

2. numberVerify

The numberVerify property provides access to the NumberVerifyClient for interacting with the Number Verify API.

3. magicAuth

The magicAuth property provides access to the MagicAuthClient for interacting with the Magical Auth API.