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Version: Python

SIM Swap Detection API

The SIM Swap Detection API helps you mitigate SIM-based fraud by providing real-time insights into a subscriber's SIM swap status. This service is crucial for protecting against attacks that exploit SIM swaps to intercept SMS messages, phone calls, and bypass two-factor authentication.

What is a SIM Swap?

A SIM swap occurs when a mobile phone number (MSISDN) is associated with a new SIM card (IMSI). This can happen due to:

  • User requests (e.g., lost/damaged SIM, new phone)
  • Number porting between providers
  • Activation of multi-SIM services
  • New subscriptions using previously assigned numbers

API Endpoints

The SIM Swap API offers two main endpoints:

  1. Check SIM Swap: Check for recent SIM swaps within a specified time range.

  2. Get Last SIM Swap Date: Retrieve the date of the last SIM swap for a given number.