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Version: Java

SIM Swap Reference

The SIM Swap client is scoped to a single phone number, so in-order to interact with the SIM Swap service, you need to create a SimSwapUserClient instance for the phone number you want to check.

SimSwapUserClients are creating using the SimSwapClient accessible from the GlideClient instance.

SimSwapClient Reference


1. forUser

Description: forUser creates a SimSwapUserClient instance for the specified phone number.


SimSwapUserClient forUser(UserIdentifier identifier)


identifierUserIdentifierAn object representing a user (can be a phonenumber, ip address or custom user id)

UserIdentifier Properties:

phoneNumberstringThe phone number of the user.
ipAddressnumberThe IP address of the user.
userIdstringA custom user identifier.

Only one of the properties should be provided.


  • SimSwapUserClient: A client instance for the specified user.


import com.glideapi.GlideClient;

public class App {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
GlideClient glideClient = new GlideClient();
PhoneIdentifier identifier = new PhoneIdentifier("+555123456789");
SimSwapClient.SimSwapUserClient simSwapClient = glideClient.simSwap.forUser(identifier);

SimSwapUserClient Reference

The SimSwapUserClient is used to interact with the SIM Swap service for a specific phone number.


1. requiresConsent

A boolean indicating if the user needs to provide consent before checking for a SIM swap. If this is true then you need to call getConsentUrl to get the consent URL and ask the user to provide consent before calling check or retrieveDate.


1. check

Description: check verifies if a SIM swap has occurred for the user's phone number.


SimSwapCheckResponse check(SimSwapCheckParams params, ApiConfig conf)


checkParamsSimSwapCheckParamsAn object containing the check parameters.

SimSwapCheckParams Properties:

phoneNumberstringOptional - The phone number to check for a SIM swap.
maxAgenumberOptional - Maximum age of the SIM swap in hours.

If phoneNumber was provied in the forUser method as the user identifier, it can be omitted here.


  • SimSwapCheckResponse: An object containing the SIM swap status.

SimSwapCheckResponse Properties:

swappedbooleanIndicates if a SIM swap has occurred up to maxAge hours ago


import com.glideapi.GlideClient;

public class App {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
GlideClient glideClient = new GlideClient();
PhoneIdentifier identifier = new PhoneIdentifier("+555123456789");
SimSwapClient.SimSwapUserClient simSwapClient = glideClient.simSwap.forUser(identifier);

SimSwapClient.SimSwapUserClient.SimSwapCheckParams params = new SimSwapClient.SimSwapUserClient.SimSwapCheckParams();
SimSwapClient.SimSwapUserClient.SimSwapCheckResponse simSwapRes = simSwapClient.check(params, null);
System.out.println("sim swap response - swapped: " + simSwapRes.swapped);

2. retrieveDate

Description: retrieveDate retrieves the date of the last SIM swap for the user's phone number.


SimSwapRetrieveDateResponse retrieveDate(SimSwapRetrieveDateParams params, ApiConfig conf) throws Exception


paramsSimSwapRetrieveDateParamsAn object containing the retrieve date parameters.

SimSwapRetrieveDateParams Properties:

phoneNumberstringOptional - The phone number to check for a SIM swap.


  • SimSwapRetrieveDateResponse: An object containing the date of the last SIM swap.

SimSwapRetrieveDateResponse Properties:

latestSimChangestringThe date of the last SIM swap in ISO 8601 format.


import com.glideapi.GlideClient;

public class App {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
GlideClient glideClient = new GlideClient();
PhoneIdentifier identifier = new PhoneIdentifier("+555123456789");
SimSwapClient.SimSwapUserClient simSwapClient = glideClient.simSwap.forUser(identifier);

SimSwapClient.SimSwapUserClient.SimSwapRetrieveDateParams retrieveDateParams = new SimSwapClient.SimSwapUserClient.SimSwapRetrieveDateParams();
SimSwapClient.SimSwapUserClient.SimSwapRetrieveDateResponse retrieveDateResponse = simSwapClient.retrieveDate(retrieveDateParams, null);
System.out.println("retrieve date response - latestSimChange: " + retrieveDateResponse.latestSimChange);

3. getConsentUrl

Description: getConsentUrl retrieves the URL for the user to provide consent before checking for a SIM swap.


String getConsentUrl()


  • string: The URL for the user to provide consent.


import com.glideapi.GlideClient;

public class App {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
GlideClient glideClient = new GlideClient();
PhoneIdentifier identifier = new PhoneIdentifier("+555123456789");
SimSwapClient.SimSwapUserClient simSwapClient = glideClient.simSwap.forUser(identifier);

if (simSwapClient.requiresConsent) {
String consentUrl = simSwapClient.getConsentUrl();
System.out.println("consent url: " + consentUrl);

4. pollAndWaitForSession

Description: pollAndWaitForSession polls the SIM Swap service until the user has provided consent and a session is available. This method should be called after you have retrieved the consent URL and passed it to the user.


void pollAndWaitForSession() throws Exception


  • void


import com.glideapi.GlideClient;

public class App {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
GlideClient glideClient = new GlideClient();
PhoneIdentifier identifier = new PhoneIdentifier("+555123456789");
SimSwapClient.SimSwapUserClient simSwapClient = glideClient.simSwap.forUser(identifier);

if (simSwapClient.requiresConsent) {
String consentUrl = simSwapClient.getConsentUrl();
System.out.println("consent url: " + consentUrl);

Error Handling

Each method in ExampleService can throw errors under certain conditions. Developers should handle these exceptions as part of their implementation. Common errors include:

  • InvalidInputError: Thrown when input parameters do not meet the required format or type.
  • OperationFailedError: Thrown when an operation cannot be completed successfully due to various issues, such as network problems or service unavailability.

Type Definitions


This object can be sent to most service apis to override the default configuration like the access token used in the request.


sessionSessionAn optional session object for authentication and authorization.


This object represents a user session with an access token, expiration time, and associated scopes.


accessTokenstringThe access token for the session.
expiresAtnumberThe expiration time of the session.
scopesstring[]An array of scopes associated with the session.